Hi Leverton School! And thanks for an absolutely brilliant day on the 14th November. I really enjoyed meeting you all!

So where do I start? At the beginning, silly! I had a really fun session in the hall with the whole school where I told everybody how I lost my hair. If you want to see the latest postcard, go to the PICTURE GALLERY now.

Then I had two spooky sessions with the the Year 1s where we made recordings of my spine tinglingly petrifying picture book Spooky Spooky House. Ms Clegg has the recordings so please ask her for a copy. If you dare!

Then I embarrassed myself completely by dancing like an elephant with Reception to Who Let The Dogs Out. I wasn’t a bad monkey, though. The children were great at ALL the animals and I hope they had a good time.

And last but not least, the Year 2s. We worked on Nora and imagined what happened at the end of the story when Nora had gobbled up the moon. The clever Year 2s drew Nora guzzling whole planets made of sweets and pizza. I’ve included some of your pictures in the PICTURE GALLERY.

So, thanks again for inviting me to your Book Week celebration. It was a real honour to be asked, and I hope I can come back and meet you all again soon!

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